
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Before I was a mom...

Before I was a mom I swore I would...

Never let my baby have a binky. Why would they need one? If they cried I would just hold them all day.
Be married before I had my second kid.
Never use the TV as a babysitter.
Feed my kids everything organic no matter what the price.
Never give them unhealthy snacks like cherrios just to keep them quiet for a few minutes.
Never get frustrated or angry with them.
Make every activity a learning activity and be constantly singing the ABCs, practicing our numbers, and reading books.
Never be on the computer while they are awake (ha! they're right next to me) or watch tv.
Never give my kids plastic toys or anything that lights up or makes sounds.  Everything will be either wood or homemade fabric toys.
Always keep them clean and well dressed. They would never have boogers hanging from their nose or food on their face. Especially not in public!
Shower (myself) everyday. (I can hear Chris laughing when he reads this one!)
Always go out in public with my hair brushed and never in my pajamas.
Never let my kids cry or throw fits in public.
Never give in to their whining or pleading. No means no. Even at 3 in the morning.
Take my kids outside everyday for a walk or a picnic in the park. We will experience nature everyday no matter how tired I am.
Continue to exercise.
Get up early and have breakfast ready before Chris leaves for work.
Keep my house spick and span! Including corners, baseboards, and window seals.

Ha! Well it's a good thing I didn't sign any contracts about this stuff... It's funny to think I was really determined to make all these things happen. My how my expectations have changed! I think even if I didn't have twins most of these would still be impossible. I love talking to first time pregnant moms about all their expectations and ideas of what motherhood will be like and all the things they will 'never' or 'always' do. I don't discourage any of it because I'm glad no one told me otherwise when I was pregnant either. It was fun to dream:)

Have you ever heard the saying 'Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans.' Well I'm pretty sure my babies crack up when I tell them about my plans!

On to my list of expectations as the girls grow older...

I will ...
Make sure they do all of their homework before Sunday.
Make every sunday 'Family Day'.
Not let them date until they are 16.
Pack their lunches every morning and never let them have school cafeteria food.
Make them pay for anything extra they want. They will earn their money from lemonade stands and mowing lawns.
See to it that their bed is made every morning before school.
Make dinner every night and we will always sit down together as a family having intelligent conversations.
Make sure they speak at least two different languages.
See to it that they go to Ivy League Schools
Try to remember that some of my expectations might be a bit unrealistic...but never stop dreaming...

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hello. Im Courtney Omara's cousin in-law (I married her first cousin) lol Anyway, I love your blog! My husband and I have identical boys who are almost 11 months. Wow thats weird to say ha. My list looks pretty darn similar to yours but if you dont have a goal you have nothing to strive for :) You're doing an awesome job with your babies.. keep it up!!! Oh, if you want to view my blog email me
